The study of living things and life processes. 

Life Science

Smarty Pass Bonus: What’s that yum?! A truly tasty mystery sound

Smash Boom Best producers Aron Woldeslassie and Anna Weggel are really hungry, but neither of them knows what to eat! To help with the hunger pangs, they play a round of Tasty Mystery Sound. Much like the iconic Brains On! Mystery Sound game, Tasty Mystery Sound has players taking noisy bites of real food before asking the other to guess what they’re eating. Grab your Smarty Pass to hear what Anna and Aron are chowing down on!

Woman with freckles smiling
Introducing Smarty Pass

Smarty Pass Bonus: Gungador Hosts a Dinner Party!

Hey, Smarty Pal, want more Brains On? Check out this sneak peek of Gungador Hosts a Dinner Party! Gungador is having a party at Brains On! HQ, and everyone’s invited! He’s whipping up special dishes for all of his guests: a tater tot hot dish, caramel coated honey gummies, even a cheese board! But he forgot to call Barbara Toddes from the Philadelphia Zoo before he started prepping meals for his animal friends... and some of his assumptions about what animals eat aren’t exactly right. Will Gungador pull off his festive feast AND keep his cool?! Grab your SmartyPass and listen to find out!