Oh no! Molly’s been bequeathed her great-great grandfather’s skateboard, which unfortunately contains the spirit of dictionary editor Rutherford Williams Webster! Hoping to defeat the skateboard poltergeist, Anna and Marc must attempt to spell and define Webster’s most obscure words!

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MOLLY BLOOM: Hi, Molly Bloom here. We love playing games at Brains On. We like tricky trivia, grueling guessing games, and challenging challenges. If you want to play along with us, sign up for the Smarty Pass. For just $5 a month, you'll get access to ad-free versions of Brains On, Smash Boom Best, Forever Ago, and more.

Plus, you'll get a bonus feat of all new episodes where we play games, like this one.

MARC SANCHEZ: Hey, Molly. Hey, Anna. What are you up to?

ANNA GOLDFIELD: Molly got this sick new skateboard, so we're doing tricks.

MARC SANCHEZ: That skateboard is new? It looks super old.

MOLLY BLOOM: Well, it's new to us, but you're right, it's really old. I just got it from my Great Aunt Petunia. She says it belonged to her father, Amadeus Bloom.

MARC SANCHEZ: Wait, your great, great grandfather is Amadeus Bloom, the wealthy oil tycoon who made billions in the early 1920s?

MOLLY BLOOM: No, my Amadeus Bloom sold beef jerky out of a wagon, but people confuse them for each other a lot. My great, great grandfather traveled the country selling jerky. And the story goes, some old guy couldn't afford his jerky, so he gave him this skateboard instead.

RUTHERFORD WILLIAMS WEBSTER: That's not what happened at all.

MARC SANCHEZ: Molly, look out, a ghost just came out of your skateboard.

ANNA GOLDFIELD: Totally radical.

MOLLY BLOOM: To hear more, head to smartpass.org and subscribe. A monthly pass costs about the same as an ice cream cone and gets you fun bonus content like this, plus ad-free versions of all of our shows. Again, that's smartpass.org. Thanks for supporting the Brains On universe, smarty pals.

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