This summer it’s the 2024 Olympic games! In honor of this sporty season, Forever Ago host Joy Dolo quizzes producers Rosie duPont and Anna Weggel all about Olympic games of the past.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] JOY DOLO: Hi! Forever Ago host Joy Dolo here. Have you heard about Smarty Pass? It's our subscription for super fans. For just $4 a month, you'll get an ad free feed of all of our shows. Brains On, Forever Ago, Moment of Um, and Smash, Boom, Best, plus a marvelous bonus episode every month like this one. Summer is so fun. You know what one of my favorite things is about this summer?

SUBJECT 1: Ice cream trucks?

SUBJECT 2: Swimming pools?

JOY DOLO: Yes and Yes. But also, the Olympic games. Every four years, athletes from around the world compete in different summertime sporting events.

SUBJECT 1: I love the Olympics. And you're right. They are happening this summer.

JOY DOLO: Yeah, the 2024 Olympics are in Paris, France. In honor of the Summer Olympics, are you two down to play some Olympics trivia? After all, you are the sportiest people I know.

SUBJECT 2: Hoo, boy, oh boy, do I love trivia. It's my third favorite thing after fiddles and ferrets.

JOY DOLO: Then let's do it! To hear more, visit to learn more and subscribe. It's just $4 a month or $36 for the whole year. This episode, plus a whole back catalog will be waiting for you once you subscribe to the feed. Again, that's

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