Brains On! is an award-winning science podcast hosted by Molly Bloom and a rotating cast of kids. Every episode answers questions from listeners like “Why do feet stink?” “What did dinosaurs sound like?” and “What is ADHD?”

Brains On Podcast

A kid riding a bike in a helmet and face mask

Masks and mouth mist: What we know about the coronavirus now

In this episode, we find out why masks are an important tool in the fight against this new coronavirus. We’ll also talk about this unusual time we’re living through and how to deal with the uncertainty of it all. Plus: Kara and Gilly debut their first single. They’re hoping it’s a viral sensation (pun very much intended). And, of course, a new mystery sound and a Moment of Um that answers the question: Why do sharks have to keep moving to stay alive?

A girl protests

Injustice and Anger: Understanding your emotions

A lot of us are angry right now, with good reason. We’re seeing people treated unfairly because of racism -- that’s when people don’t like someone’s race or the color of their skin. In this episode we’ll talk about how anger can be a useful emotion and can be used to push for change. We’ll also revisit parts of our 2019 series on emotions, including an explanation of the hormones behind anger, why some of us are quicker to anger than others and what we can do when we feel overwhelmed by our feelings.