Weather and Climate

Bermuda Triangle vs Loch Ness

Ready for some mystery? This Smash Boom Battle takes on two famous places: the Bermuda Triangle and Loch Ness. Which is cooler? Is it the Bermuda Triangle -- a puzzling patch of ocean where ships, planes and plenty of people are said to have disappeared? Or is it Loch Ness -- a Scottish lake best known for spooky sightings of a long-necked creature? Listen to hear what our judge decides and then head over to to share your opinion with us!

What's in your water?

What's in your water?

What’s in your water, and how did it get there? Clean water is a must, but modern living can put a lot of bad stuff in it. Road salt, fertilizer, dog doo-doo, heavy metals - how do these things get in our water? Why should we care? And how can we tell if our water is healthy? In this episode we hitch a ride on the water cycle with a pair of water drops. We learn about what caused the Flint water crisis. And we hear about one young girl’s award-winning idea for a faster way to test lead in water - spoiler alert - it involves carbon nanotubes! This is the first in a series of water-related episodes we’re working on over the next few months. We hope it makes a splash with you!

Want to learn if you have a lead pipe carrying water into your home? Check out this helpful link from NPR:

The Minneapolis water treatment plant

Water, water everywhere - but how does it get there?

It’s easy to take water for granted. After all, you just turn a faucet and it pours right out. But how does it get to our faucet? We’ll explore the water cycle from rain to your drain. And did you know that space is full of water? It’s one of the most common features of the universe. We’ll also look at all the important things our bodies do with water — and how that’s a cycle too. Caution: this episode may make you very thirsty.